Armor Stats
Thought of this last night, so I checked to see if it's been suggested...did'nt find anything...
Being a GW fashionista, I thought would'nt it be great if you could wear ANY armor in the game no matter what your profession? Damn, I sometimes see an Ele, or Rit piece of armor and wish I could mix and match with my Mes. Of course it would have to have a dash or realism about it...You could'nt have an assassin bouncing about like the neighborhood spaz hopped up on mescaline whilst wearing full plate armor, just as you could'nt have a warrior rush in tanking whilst wearing that rakish, yet thin mesmer jacket.
I propose that armor have different attributes connected to its purpose..i.e. a Warriors chestplate would have a +10 armor, but a -5 agility. A mesmer gown would have a +2 armor and a +5 domination...(just an example).
I don't think could implement it now, but perhaps for GW2? I don't think it would add too much complexity to the game, but it would certainly help with the variables in character appearance.